When all the pieces of Osiris had been gathered,  Isis, Nephthys, and Anubis returned to his real tomb in Abydos.  No one saw them in this late hour, none except the moon God Thoth who had gathered the time from Ra so that Osiris would be born and then die in this world.  The only piece that was missing was that of his manhood, which had been eaten by the fish.  So Isis fashioned another of cedar and gold.

    Then began the first mummification of a body.  Anubis pieced the body back together, then wrapped it in linen.  Isis chanted spells of power and protection while Nephthys covered him in frankincense and mirth.  Thoth came down and spoke aloud
"his body to earth his soul to sky"

    The earth trembled and Nut came down to earth in her full form and embraced her son changing him into a living god and returning to the sky.  Nut Spoke "Osiris LIVES! He was not destroyed! He was not Killed!"

    Isis and Nephthys raised their arms and began the chant of change.  They changed into golden hawks, as Geb opened his mouth and swallowed his empty body.

    Osiris was swirling in confusion.  He was alive and dead, he was nothing, he was everything, he was madness, he was a god.  Osiris Joined with the Atum.  Osiris-Atum was Alive.  "Atum!  What is this?  where am I?  I once loved a Goddess now I am nothing..  I breathed her sweet perfume.. now I do not breathe.

    Atum answered. "be still..look upon Egypt without it's king.."

    Osiris looked.. He saw Isis and Nephthys in sorrow. going from town to town burring the dead, showing them the secrets of mummification.  He saw wild animals hunting children.  He saw the crops wither and die.  He saw his brother on his thrown.  He saw men weep.  He saw all of this and more and he felt empty and full of sorrow.

    "I thirst." Osiris said. and Atum brought him beer.
    "I hunger" Osiris said and Atum brought him bread.
    "I can not breathe" Osiris said. and Atum brought him air.
    But the beer was dry as sand, the bread as tasteless as air, and the air did not fill his lungs.
    "Can I look upon your face?" Osiris asked. and Atum answered "within my face is sorrow deeper then that which you know I will not show you my face it shall be forever hidden in shadow."

    "I long for Light. even at night I can see stars, but here there is nothing."  Osiris said.
    Atum Answered. "your son Horus is your light.  He carries your spirit back to earth."
    "I did not know I had a son Horus" Osiris stated with ray of hope.

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