
Goddess by Jonathon Earl Bowser

 Magick. The use of the mystical and mysterious part of our minds. Using rituals, spells, and the power of the gods and goddesses to help us understand ourselves and develop our psychic powers. The 'K' at the end has two functions 1. It helps us seperate magic and magick. magic being that of a trick or slight of hand. 2. The 'K' stands for the key to understanding. The goal of using true Magick is to spiritually evolve and get closer to the divine. True magick does not involve love spells, luck charms, hexs, or any other form of doing harm to any one or doing good to your self outside of spiritual growth. It is not a way to gain power or play mind games of illusion. It is not a way to make a living (outside of writing about it) It is not used to fortell the future. It has one and only one purpose, to get intouch with the divine forces of the Universe and improve the world. Any other use of it would be Black Magic and rightly deserving that title.

As Israel Regardie wrote "The true light is not from the candle but the wick which is but a small fraction of it. So to is the world a candle and the minority is the spiritual light." The spirtual light can be obtained through Magick as in the western mystery schools that keep the tradition alive that started in Egypt and In the Kabala. Although Magick is one way to go about this it is not the only. Yoga is another and their are surely others.

Heptagram with pyramid and pentagram inside.
link to spells page
The Runes
The Pentagram

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