
Hathor Wife of RA

Mother Goddess

Hathor, Her name means Mansion of Horus.  She was the Wife of Horus the Elder.  She is The universal cow Goddess.  Goddess of the sky, love, fun.  Probably one of the most complex deities of Ancient Egypt.  She has been depicted as a cow, the sky, a woman, a pillar, a lioness, a snake, the eye of Ra.  One of the most ancient of all egyptian deities, many other  deities fell to her temples and became part of her to the point that now it is impossible to know for sure which was which as was the case with Bat among others.  Much in the same way Isis took over all the Goddesses.  She was even in some parts of Egypt a destructive force.  Sent out to destroy like Sekhmet. (the story is the same) .  Hathor was also the Goddess of Lands outside of Egypt.  (that was controlled my them).  Goddess of the Lands of the west (death) Goddess of the Lands of the East (life)

Main Temples

1.  Dendera
2. Serabit el-Khadim
3. Byblos
4. Almost all major cities of Ancient Egypt had a temple of Hathor.

Sacred Symbol Family Identified with
Cow, Horns, 
Cobra, Sistrum
Mother of Ra 
Daughter of Ra
Wife of Horus
Mother of Ipy
Mother of HarsomtusIs
Isis, Aphrodite
All Cow Goddesses

Hathor Cow Goddess of Motherhood

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