
Isis by Judith Page

Universal Goddess

Isis was by far the most powerful of all the egyptian deities. Associated with almost all the other major goddess through myth. Her powers increased as she merged with all the other goddess to become the supreme mother goddess of egypt. Goddess of love, magic, child bearing, and all good things. Isis was the sister/wife of Osiris. Mother of Horus the child. Sister of Nephthys and Seth. It was Isis that raised Osiris from the dead, after his jealous brother Seth had slain him. Isis is also one of the 4 goddesses that guard the canopic jars along with Nephthys, Neith,  and Serqet.

Sacred Symbol Family Identified with
Throne Daughter of Nut and Geb. Wife and sister of Osiris. Mother of Horus. Sister of Set, Nephthys, Horus the elder. Almost all Goddesses
are Identified with Isis
Hathor probably more
then most.

Isis with Horus the childIsis with Horus the childTemple of Isis

Temple Sites

  1. The Temple of Isis: on the island of phillae. The last temple in egypt that was used as a place of worship and rituals. The temple has since been relocated to the neighboring island of Agilqiya.(pictured above)
  2. The Temple of Augustus: at Dendera. This temple site is located within the holy grounds sacred to Hathor. Isis borrowed the horns of Hathor at one point. The link between the two is bound up in the kingship of the land.
  3. The Temple of Sety I: at Abydos. Know for some of the most beautiful and detailed representations of the Goddess ever carved in egypt.
  4. Deir El-Shelwit: on the western bank of Thebes. Small shrine built during roman period.
  5. Temple of Isis 'Mistress of the pyramid': At Giza. Worship center of one of the queens east of the pyramid of Khufu.
  6. Behbeit El-Hagar 'Iseion': in the north-east Delta on the Damietta branch of the Nile. The Major cult center of Isis.



    Winged Isis

    Isis by: Jonathon Earl Bowser

    Much more Information on Isis in the Mythology and Spells & Prayers pages.
    spells and prayers
    list of goddesses

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