
Ruler of the dead
Judge of the dead
God of the Underworld
God of the Harvest
God of Grain
Foremost of the Westerners
He who dwells in Orion
Lord of the Two plumes
Husband of Isis
Father of Horus
Father of Anubis

Osiris First Ruler of Egypt

One of the most complex and powerful gods of Egypt, Osiris brought with him to egypt the secret wisdom of the gods.  He taught the people to be farmers and to settle the land near the nile.  He is the first born of the 5 children of Nut.  One of the most popular Gods of Ancient Egypt.  Osiris Like his wife Isis is a universal God in that he has absorbed many of the other minor Gods into his being.  There is a strong connection with Osiris and Ra and in some myths it is Ra that is Osiris's father, while in others Ra is incorporated into Osiris as being one and the same.    His Title "Foremost of the Westerners" was originally associated with a Jackal God (most likely Anubis who also holds this Title.  In the Legend of Isis and Osiris his brother Set kills him.  Isis then raises him from the dead, Osiris later becomes the ruler of the underworld.  Anubis is then the guardian of the dead and guide to the realm of Osiris.
    There was also a dark side to Osiris at times in history.  In some tombs it is Ra that is protecting the dead king from the evil Osiris.  This would show that the king was wanting to become a visible phenomenon like the Sun do to a fear of the unknown world of Osiris called the "Duat".
    Assassins have also been association with Osiris, some of the names of the groups where:  Osiris's Butchers, Osiris's Fishermen.  However this dark side never outweighed his connection with the king.
    Although it is common legend that Osiris was murdered at the hands of his brother Set, there is no evidence to support such stories until later in the middle kingdom (2000 bc).  In the oldest known legend Osiris just falls over but doesn't die he seems to go into some sort of sleep or coma.
    Ra and Osiris have been called the Twin souls, for as Ra rules the land of the living, Osiris Rules the land of the Duat (underworld)
    One of the main symbols of Osiris is the Djed Column which symbolizes his backbone and is a symbol of Stability.

Some Temple locations ( note that in the legend of Isis and Osiris whenever Isis found a piece of Osiris's body that she would build a temple to her husband in that location.)  Below are the body part listings that the temple claims to have had at their location. (there should be 13 in all 12 where found the phallus was never found.)

Body Part
Letoplis Shrine ?
Hetiopolis Shrine ?
Memphis Capital ?
Herakleopolis local priest claim this location of tomb of Osiris at one time thigh, head, two sides,
two legs
Hermopolis shrine ?
Djedu often called Busiris meaning "house of Osiris"
one of his more  important Temple areas
Ibdju This is his most important and oldest Temple cities
the city was renamed by the Greeks as Abydos
complete body
Karnak With the exception of the area of the temple of Ptah
all the land north of the Temple of Aman was sacred 
to Osiris
Biga just west of the island of Philae where the temple of Isis
resides Biga reportedly once held the mummy of Osiris.
left leg
Byblos located in Lebanon,  this is the site at which Isis freed 
Osiris from the tree using the remaining wood to build this 
Edfu leg
Sebennytos upper and lower leg
Athribis heart

Sacred Symbol Family Association
Crook and Flail
White crown 
Djed column
Son of Nut
Son of Geb
Son of Ptah
Son of Sekhmet
Son of Ra
Husband of Isis
Brother of Nephthys
Brother of Set
Brother of Horus the elder
Brother of Thoth
Brother of Ra
Father of Anubis
Father of Horus

For More Information on Osiris Please visit the Mythology section.

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