
Ma'at by Judith Page

Goddess of Truth and Justice

Goddess personifying all the elements of cosmic harmony as established by the creator god at the beginning of time. - including Truth, Justice, and Moral Integrity. The ostrich feather is her symbel.
Ma'at plays an important role in the after life. For the decieced heart is weighed on the scales by Anubis against the feather of Ma'at.

Sacred SymbolFamilyIdentified with
FeatherDaughter of Ra
Daughter of Thoth
Sister of Thoth
sister of Seshat

Ma'at with wings spreed

A passage from the book of coming forth by day. (Book of the dead)

Entering the Hall of Ma'at.

Ma'at over sees <a href=Anubis weighing the heart against her feather to make sure it is fair." border=0 vspace=30 hspace=30 align=left>

I have come unto thee. I have drawn nigh to see thy beauties. My hands are raised in adoration of thy name Ma'at. I have drawn unto the place where the cedar tree existeth not, where the acadia tree doth not put forth shoots, and where the ground produces neither grass nor herbs. Now I have entered into the hidden place, and I Speak with Set. my protector came to me, his face was masked, and he looked on the hidden things.

  This is a passage of ones journey into death (the hidden place.) Ma'at (Mayet) Is the Goddess of Truth and justice. her sybol is a single ostrich feather. She is one of the oldest egyptian goddesses. originally she was not even a Goddess but the personification of Truth. In the hall of judgement the heart is weighed against the feather of truth sometimes depicted as Ma'at. If one has a heart free of sin and full of truth and fairness they are allowed to continue on to the hall of Osiris where he passes the final judgement.

If all goes well the deceased is reborn upon the world. for a brief time the soul and ka are seperated (due to death) as the dead are in a sort of limbo awaiting rebirth. It is at this time that the Ka (spirit double) is most vonrable. This is why the treasures and food are placed in the tomb with the body. For the ka does not leave the world with the soul, it hovers around the body. (perhaps confused) The Ka feasts on the Ka of the food, and enjoys looking upon the treasures. The Ka rests in the body (the reason for mumification so as long as the body is preserved the ka may visit.) if the heart is found not to measure up to the feather of Ma'at then the Ba (soul) is devoroured by the Goddess Am-mit (the devourer) and the Ka must fend for it self for the rest of eternity. (ghosts perhaps?)

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